How to get the Best Car Rental Deal
People prefer to get cheap car rental deal in advance before going to a holiday. The most preferred way is to book a 12 passenger rental van online, if you plan on going to an extended family trip. No matter how good your personal car is, it is always advised that you choose a rental for a long trip. Uncertain road conditions, sturdy vehicle such as SUV’s/Vans and the fun of travelling together makes car rental a great option. Here are some tips to get you started.
1. Compare and research: Car rental deal is something that can be best experienced by comparing. Know what you want from the cheapest car rental company you are researching about. When you get to know your requirements such as how many passengers, total miles to be covered, vehicle type; ask the company for a quote. Most likely, the car rental deal company will oblige and give a competitive quote. In other cases, the prices of vehicles as well as other relevant information is provided upfront for the visitors to read.
Inquire about the type of services offered by the company. If you are looking for a 12 passenger rental van, ask the company which brands and models do they have in service. Most of the companies that offer large vans provide additional services to go with the vehicle. What are the features offered in the car and how much is the mileage of the car. The mileage of the car is becoming increasingly important since long trips are now planned as per increasing gas prices. Moreover, check the past record of the company.
2. Collect Quotes: Once you have selected the car rental deal companies as per your requirements, it is now time to collect quotes. Ask the company representatives to provide quotes for the car rental deals. Ask them to offer quotes as per their top of the line model in 12 passenger van. This will remove any surprises at the very end. Usually, the rental companies provide immediate quotes and you can complete the entire research process within a day. Quotes can be misleading also.
3. In-depth Surveying: Once you have the quotes, check the details. The devil is in the details. Check what each of the companies is offering in the quotes. For e.g. do they offer some free gas? is the SUV fully-loaded? Is the mileage of the vehicle as per you requirements? Is the company providing insurance with the quote? All the major car rental companies offer insurance in the rental quote. All these things will help you make the final decision. Make an enlightened decision by following these tips and avoid frowned faces of family members during the trip.